What are anti-wrinkle injections?

Anti-wrinkle injections are commonly referred to as ‘Botox’, short for Botulinum toxin. This is a naturally occurring protein that causes the muscles of the face to relax, consequently smoothing out wrinkles.

Who should have Anti-wrinkle injections?

They are the treatment of choice for people who have forehead lines, frown lines or wrinkles around their eyes which they wish to reduce. They can also be used to help reduce teeth grinding, reduce excessive sweating, treat facial pain and migraines.

What will the treatment involve?

The treatment will involve a doctor making a series of small injections into the muscles of your face. The injection process itself will only take several minutes.

Does it hurt?

The procedure is largely pain free, with the exception of mild discomfort which is experienced due to the small needle injection involved. You may notice some soreness in the injection site directly after the treatment, but this should subside quickly.

Are anti-wrinkle injections safe?

Botulinum toxin has been in medical use for more than four decades, and it is administered in such a way that it only affects your muscles and sweat glands – it does not reach any other part of the body.

What areas can benefit from an anti-wrinkle injection?

Anti – wrinkle injections are most effective when used to reduce the signs of ageing in the following places:

  • Forehead/brow
  • Between the eyes
  • Sides of the eyes

How long do the effects of an anti-wrinkle injection last?

The results usually last for around three- four months, after which you may wish to return for another treatment.